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In recent years, offshore wind is becoming one of the leading renewable energy sources, especially in Europe.
The development of this sector in shallow water areas of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea is turning fixed offshore wind into the main protagonist of the main projects and investments in renewable energies, not only in Europe, but is also beginning to arouse interest in other countries, particularly in Asia and lately, also in the USA. This has enabled a cost reduction that is being faster than expected, in part thanks to the development of larger wind turbines, which in just six years have gone from 2-3 MW of power, to commercial machines of 8 MW.
However, areas with shallow waters are limited, and work is already underway to develop floating solutions that will "globalize" the benefits of offshore wind, extending its use to areas of high consumption that have an important wind resource, but at depths beyond 50-60 m (current limit for fixed wind). Currently there are only four prototypes installed of this type of solutions worldwide, in addition to a pre-commercial park inaugurated in October 2017 (5 machines of 6MW each). It can be said, therefore, that the floating wind is in a state of technological development.
C/ San Vicente 8, Edificio Albia II.4ª plta Dpto. B. Dcha. 48001 Bilbao
Tel. 94 424 02 11