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More and more wind turbines are being installed, with an increase of 16.1% in the last year.
This upward trend is expected to continue. In this context, Basque wind power component suppliers are currently in highly competitive positions, both in terms of quality and cost.
However, there is a lot of pressure in the market for tight deadlines, competitive prices and high quality, and also fierce competition in the sector, affecting the entire supply chain. Some wind turbine manufacturers are starting to change the way they produce, going from production based on the purchase of components and on internal assembly to production based on their suppliers' demand for functional modules. This way of working, which comes from other sectors like automotive and aeronautics, can offer manufacturers clear advantages in terms of reducing design, manufacturing and production times and costs, whilst increasing flexibility.
This change is both a risk and an opportunity for Basque wind power component suppliers, depending on how capable they are of adapting their products to this new form of collaboration, which involves supplying the modules required by the wind power industry in the short and medium term, instead of components.
C/ San Vicente 8, Edificio Albia II.4ª plta Dpto. B. Dcha. 48001 Bilbao
Tel. 94 424 02 11