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The main objective of the project is the development of the design engineering and the construction strategy of a real-scale floating wind turbine.
To achieve this main objective, the FLOW project proposes the following specific objectives:
Design of the floating foundation adapted to the wind turbine together with the moorings and anchors needed to keep the wind turbine in its position.
Validation of the design by third parties.
Detailed design of the set with the necessary information for its manufacture and installation.
Definition and optimization of the manufacturing processes of the prototype, as well as the assembly, launch, assembly, installation, operation, maintenance and dismantling procedures.
Risk analysis of the technology and the demonstration project.
Definition of the validation strategy of the prototype on a real scale.
C/ San Vicente 8, Edificio Albia II.4ª plta Dpto. B. Dcha. 48001 Bilbao
Tel. 94 424 02 11