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The mission of NAUTILUS FLOATING SOLUTIONS is the design, validation and placing on the market of a semi-submersible foundation for floating offshore wind. Therefore, as the leader of this project, Nautilus intends to advance in the design methodologies of its first prototype on a real scale. This prototype will be the prelude to a demonstration park that will lead to the production of series of foundations for its integration with the turbine manufacturers and commercialization of interested developers of floating marine wind farms.
IBERDROLA RENOVABLES has more than 14,700 MW of renewable energy (mainly wind) in operation in more than 20 countries, one of its main growth vectors being offshore wind energy. With the participation in FLOW project, Iberdrola highlights the interest aroused by this innovative floating technology that will allow it to increase its knowledge regarding the main conditioning factors, both design and costs of offshore floating wind technology.
As a shipbuilding company, ASTILLEROS DE MURUETA has also participated in the development of floating pontoons, as well as modular structures for the launching of ships or large metal parts. It is in this field where Astilleros Murueta will contribute to the project and where it intends to make a leap of quality in the improvement of its developments, orienting itself towards solutions for the floating offshore world that will allow the improvement of its production processes and the diversification of its products and therefore expansion of the client portfolio.
NERVIÓN INDUSTRIES is currently a business group with a multinational presence that provides integrated solutions services in engineering techniques, construction and maintenance of complex industrial facilities, such as offshore wind farms. With this project Nervión Industries aims to improve the manufacturing processes of the floating unit in a way that reduces the cost and time of manufacture increasing efficiency with the technologies available in the consortium.
NAVACEL is a company in the manufacturing sector, specializing in the production of large metal tubes used as piles for supporting offshore wind or lattice structures for jackets. It is precisely this activity that seeks to be reinforced with the project, positioning itself against its competition in future floating platforms. The result of the project will serve NAVACEL to reinforce its presence in the market and to position itself in cost and quality against its global competition.
VICINAY group is a leader in its activity and one of the leading companies in the Basque Country. However, in its business sector where competition is extensive, the need to adapt to the market, with varying needs and increasing requirements, is essential. For this reason, projects such as FLOW, with clear industrial potential, guarantee maintaining this leading position in the market and consolidating its activity. Likewise, being able to offer chains for greater depths will contribute to obtain a positive impact on the turnover of the group's entities.
CT Ingenieros offers engineering services for a wide range of activities from the stages of product design to engineering activities and processes. The knowledge that CT Ingenieros will acquire through the detailed design of the platform, as well as the real-scale validation of the prototype, will offer CT Ingenieros a high-value positioning in the process of technical knowledge in these areas. This will open a new market line for CT Ingenieros that, in line with the expected evolution of the offshore wind sector, will mean a significant improvement in the wind business.
ORMAZABAL,as a world leader in electrical equipment of medium tensions, it continues with its firm commitment to R & D projects, following a strategic line of work such as the development of specific equipment for the new needs of renewable generation and offshore wind in particular. The development of the project will allow Ormazabal to position itself again in high market shares, despite the increase in competitors, based on an integrated and configured product for the offshore application.
NEM Solutions is a leading company in digitalization and advanced data analytics in the sectors of Mobility and Energy. The objective of NEM in the long term is to position itself as a global reference provider within the wind sector, both onshore and offshore. In this project, NEM Solutions intends to expand its knowledge in the offshore wind sector, creating the monitoring and management system for the operation and maintenance of the floating prototype of the FLOW project.
ERREKA works closely with its clients in projects related to bolted joints with the aim of increasing the value proposition of its products, machines or installations. Erreka intends to make a leap in quality of its products to the offshore world. The FLOW project is an excellent opportunity for Erreka to analyze these unions and develop a new product aimed exclusively at the floating offshore sector with the characteristics and harsh demands that this entails.
HWS CONCRETE TOWERS is a company specialized initially in a specific development of advanced construction product, a self-climbing telescopic crane for the construction of concrete towers without fraction of steel for wind turbines. The vision of HWS is that combining the use of steel with a correct and experienced use of concrete solutions, can be a great opportunity to improve the NAUTILUS platform, essentially lowering the price without diminishing benefits.
UNIPORTBILBAO is the association that represents the cluster of the port of Bilbao, a strategic sector for the Basque Country, by offering indispensable services for the internationalization of the industrial sector. A foreseeable reduction of costs and a simplification of the destination of the product will have a positive impact, it is to be expected, on the competitiveness of the same with regard to third parties. In an increasingly competitive and changing environment, the inertia of the inclusion of logistics in the early stages of product design can favor a better and more efficient adaptation to future market needs.
FORO MARÍTIMO VASCO, as a cluster of the Basque maritime sector, its objective is to promote the activity and competitiveness of companies in the Basque maritime sector. The FMV that represents practically all of the maritime industrial fabric of the Basque Country becomes a perfect agent given its direct contact with the industry and its capillarity to extend the developments and opportunities derived from the FLOW project.
FLOW project is clearly aligned with the interest of the BASQUE ENERGY CLUSTER, in accordance with its Strategic Plan and specifically with one of its Strategic Areas: Wind Energy. The Cluster will develop dissemination activities for the project aimed at both the general public and specifically the wind sector through various channels, in order to maximize the impact of the results and promote the competitive positioning of the consortium members.
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C/ San Vicente 8, Edificio Albia II.4ª plta Dpto. B. Dcha. 48001 Bilbao
Tel. 94 424 02 11