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Our goal is to drive technological developments in decarbonization solutions
The European Union has committed to drastically reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. This decarbonization poses significant challenges for many sectors, particularly for the industry.
The Basque Country is one of the largest industrial concentrations in Europe, with a significant presence of energy-intensive and emission-intensive sectors. In this context, the Basque Government-SPRI leads the strategic initiative Net-Zero Basque Industrial SuperCluster (NZBIS), aligned with the Transitioning Industrial Clusters towards Net Zero program of the World Economic Forum (WEF), and with the collaboration of companies such as Iberdrola, Petronor, and the Energy Cluster, among other industrial clusters. NZBISC aims to accelerate the reduction of emissions in the Basque industry, while also promoting new opportunities for Basque companies arising from the development of new technologies and innovative decarbonization services.
With the aim of promoting inter-company collaboration in the development of these technologies and solutions, the Energy Cluster has established the DCARTECH Alliance with associations representing the most energy and emission-intensive industrial sectors in the Basque Country: Aclima (cement), AFV (foundry), Siderex (steel), and ClusterPapel (pulp and paper). From this alliance, the Sectoral Forum for Industry Decarbonization is born, which serves as a meeting place between the supply and demand of energy efficiency and decarbonization solutions to stimulate collaboration opportunities in this field.
Our goal is to contribute to promoting and developing the value chains of industrial decarbonization technologies and solutions in the Basque Country. Building on existing capabilities, we aim to strengthen the technological development of innovative solutions and improve the competitive positioning of companies in this field.
C/ San Vicente 8, Edificio Albia II.4ª plta Dpto. B. Dcha. 48001 Bilbao
Tel. 94 424 02 11